Bible, board books, kids' activities, Teaching Resources


Welcome to Week SIX of Summer Bible Time as we Read, Play and Pray our way through MY TENDER HEART BIBLE (Paraclete Press, 2023). This week’s story is called “Brave Queen”. It’s the story of how God used a young girl named Esther to save His people from an evil plan.  

You can watch the video introduction on Facebook here:

WEEK SIX: Brave Queen  Esther 4:13-17


Today’s story overflows with kid appeal because, if your kids are anything like mine were (or like I was), they LOVE  imagining themselves as superheroes or brave queens or kings.  As a child I often imagined I was Wonder Woman, my son loved being a brave fire fighter, and my daughter spent many sparkly hours spreading peace and goodness with a wand and wings. Before reading “Brave Queen” maybe you will want to share with your children your own childhood memories of playing the hero or the heroine. And afterwards, let them share with you their super hero/ brave prince/princess aspirations.  Then, it will be time to—


READ. Before reading “Brave Queen”, take a careful look at Sandra Eide’s illustration. Who are those people wearing the crowns? And who is that man in the back? Read the title. Using that and the illustrations together, can they guess who this story might be about? After guessing, explain that it’s the story of how God used a young girl named Esther to save His people from an evil plan.  

Then read the story, pausing along the way to talk about what is happening. Whenever possible, connect the story to their experience. For example, the first verse describes how Esther loved to spend her time. Ask your kids if they like spending their time that way too. In the third verse, Esther realizes that God has placed her in the special role of Queen because He has a special plan for her. Ask your kids if they think God might have special plans for them, too. (Hint: He does!) Finally, after reading verse six, ask your kids how Esther was able to save her people? Who did she put her trust in? And what can we learn from that? Close with the Heart Moment at the bottom of the page.

PLAY. Here are three ideas for playfully extending this week’s reading by taking time with your little ones to review the story in simple, but meaningful ways.

Idea #1: Make paper crowns. I made mine from a gold paper plate, using glue and sequins to embellish. These were all things I happened to have on hand. Other fun materials might include felt, foam core, stickers, foil and more. Whatever materials you decide upon, connect the craft to the story with this explanation: As the new Queen, young Esther got to wear a crown. It was a sign that she was the special chosen one. As children of God, we are chosen as well, not by an earthly king, but by our heavenly Father. And just as God had special purposes for Queen Esther, He has plans for you and your children as well. Ponder together how you might serve Him.

Idea #2:Bake some Purim treats. Purim is the Jewish festival celebrated in the spring of each year to commemorate the story of Esther. Learn more about Purim here, then with your children bake a Purim treat. This link will take you to several delicious sounding recipes created for kids. 

Idea #3:  Retell “Brave Queen” using pantomime. Pantomime is when you retell a story using only movement, gestures, and facial expressions.  First, verse by verse, brainstorm together what motions, gestures or facial expressions they might use to capture what Esther was feeling/doing. Then, have them pantomime the story as you re-read it aloud.  Afterwards, marvel together both over Esther’s bravery and God’s provision.  How might God be using us to serve Him?

PRAY. Thank you, God, for the gift of the Bible, Your Word to us, full of amazing stories that show Your love for us. Remind us this week to notice and thank you for all the blessings you send our way. We love you, Lord. Amen.

 Tip: To pray this together with your little one, break it down sentence by sentence or phrase.  Say that short and then have them repeat it  This is great modeling for how we can talk to God.

Tip: To pray this together with your little one, break it down sentence by sentence or phrase.  Say that short and then have them repeat it  This is great modeling for how we can talk to God.

Interested in purchasing a copy? Links to vendors here.

If you enjoyed this post, please consider subscribing to my blog using the subscribe button in the footer or sidebar. I post once or twice weekly with book news, inspirational reflections, tips, interviews and more.

Bible, board books, Interview

The MY TENDER HEART BIBLE Book Tour Continues with two interviews, a review, and a gifting idea!

One of the joys of having a new book out is getting to chat about it in meaningful and fun ways. Today I have two new interviews to share with you.

First up, I was honored to be interviewed by the lovely Christian author, Crystal Bowman, whose writing I have looked up to for a long time. Here’s the link to that.

Then, last week, I was interviewed by the amazing Brock Eastman. You can check that out here.

Third, bestselling Christian author, Diane Stortz, who, like me, has a heart for reaching next generations with messages of God’s love through Jesus, kindly shared her thoughts on MY TENDER HEART BIBLE in her May newsletter. Read the full review and newsletter here.

Now for the GIFTING idea:

From the moment I penned the first word in this Bible story collection, it has been my hope and prayer that it be used as a colorful, engaging poetic introduction to God’s love and God’s Word. Over these last three months since it released, I’ve signed copies for baby showers, baptisms, birthdays and Easter baskets. But now, as we approach graduation season – preschool graduation, that is, or even Sunday School graduation, I wonder if God might place it on your heart to gift MY TENDER HEART BIBLE to a child you know who is graduating from their preschool years. Or, maybe even, you might sponsor a child’s class and gift a copy to each child? Or, gift a copy to each class at your child’s or grandchild’s school so that it might be a blessing for years to come?

The book is available everywhere. But if you choose to purchase copies for a school or class, my publisher, Paraclete Press, offers great discounts for bulk purchases. If ordering 1 – 10 copies, use the code SASSI for a 20% discount. After that the discount will apply automatically, with a 20% for up do thirty copies, 25% for up to up to 60 copies, 30% for up to 99 copies and 40% discount for 100+ copies. Check my book page for links to the publisher and other vendors.

And if you decide to order multiple copies for a class or school, let me know and I will send signed book plates with a special message for each book!

Bible, board books, Book Launch


Did you know that MY TENDER HEART BIBLE, which released earlier this month with Paracete Press, is part of a series? The second book MY TENDER HEART PRAYER BOOK will release this coming fall. And in the super neat category, my publisher Paraclete Press has created a special website for the series:

It’s your go-to spot for all things MY TENDER HEART starting with oodles of fun stuff related to MY TENDER HEART BIBLE including:

The link to the MY TENDER HEART BIBLE story time which aired with Paraclete Press last week

A downloadable activity kit for MY TENDER HEART BIBLE which includes:

  • Printable Bible verse “Tender Heart Moment” cards
  • Printable Greeting Cards for Kids to color and give on special days
  • Printable Tender Heart Stickers
  • A special preview of My Tender Heart Prayer Book – coming this Fall!

Easy links for purchase from a broad array of vendors

The beautiful book trailer produced by Paraclete

A regularly updated listing of all my events

An “About the Creators” section

A contact tab so you can reach out to me or them

And this LOVELY endorsement from best-selling author Crystal Bowman:

The title says it all! My Tender Heart Bible is a sweet Bible storybook, just right for little hands and little hearts. Written in rhyming verse and paired with adorable illustrations, this collection of favorite Bible stories will help young children learn about people and events from the Bible, while reminding them of God’s unconditional love. I need it for my grandkids!

Crystal Bowman—award-winning, bestselling author of more than 100 books for children including, Our Daily Bread for Kids

I hope you will bookmark it for easy reference. (I’ll also include on my website’s designated book page for MY TENDER HEART BIBLE.)

Happy Monday, all!

Appearances, Bible, Book Launch


VALENTINE’S DAY INVITATION! You and your little ones are invited to a special Valentine’s Day Book Launch Event for MY TENDER HEART BIBLE this coming Tuesday, February 14, 2023 at 3pm Eastern. Hosted by Paraclete Press, the event will include:

  1. An introduction to My Tender Heart Bible
  2. A little chat time with the author – me!
  3. A reading of THREE of my favorite stories from the collection
  4. A Q&A
  5. The unveiling of some awesome free resources to go with the book

I hope you will join us! To sign up, press here. It will also run on on Facebook so you can check here for that.

And if you want to order a copy for your church, school, or home library… or to give as a gift, check here for easy links.

And, just in case you haven’t seen the book yet, here is the book trailer:

I hope you will join us!

board books, book trailer, Crafts, Easter

Time for the BUNNY FINDS EASTER Bunny Hop: Stop Four (Plus the BOOK TRAILER reveal!)

Happy Friday, friends! Bunny and I have two fun things to share with you today.

First, check out the amazing 30-second book trailer Zonderkidz created to introduce the book. It really captures the essence of the story and showcases artist Ela Jarzabek’s delightful illustrations. Thank you, Zonderkidz!

Second, I’m delighted to be the guest interviewee over at The Chirping Moms, a website devoted to parenting and enjoying motherhood. In addition to asking me great questions, host Courtney Byrne has also created an adorable craft – a colorful tape resist cross that can be painted on canvas or a little tote bag and be used by your little one to gather goodies Easter morning! Here’s the link:

Easter, Extension Activity

HOST A Bunny Finds Easter BOOK WALK! (Free Printable Resource)

Many churches and children’s ministry teams are planning for Easter celebrations and community outreach events, so today I thought I’d share a fun way to use BUNNY FINDS EASTER (Zonderkidz, 2022) with your church or in your community by having a Book Walk!

This fun intergenerational activity has the feel of an Easter Egg Hunt – and can even include jelly beans and other goodies – but the “hunt” is walking along a trail (outside or inside) to discover progressive spreads of the story BUNNY FINDS EASTER mounted on boards culminating in a craft or activity table at the end of the walk.

Find all the details below in this free downloadable instruction sheet.  

Happy Easter! And if you do end up doing a BUNNY FINDS EASTER Book Walk be sure to tag me. I’d love to see it in action! 

Extension Activity, Picture Books


Reading LITTLE EWE is just the beginning.

Here is the link to the FREE downloadable LITTLE EWE activity kit designed especially for you and your preschooler. The kit includes six pages of ideas for discussion, activities, crafts, coloring pages and a maze. It can be found by visiting the book’s page on the Beaming Books website. You’ll find it at the end of the book’s description. Here’s the link. Enjoy!

Extension Activity, Picture Books, review

Where is Little Ewe today? Celebrating PERFECT PICTURE BOOK FRIDAY with Susanna Leonard Hill (PLUS A GAME!)

Today I’m delighted to have LITTLE EWE featured on Susanna Leonard Hill’s Perfect Picture Book Friday Series. Head on over to get Susanna’s take on the book. And in the extra fun department, she asked me to share an activity to go along with the book. It’s a fun one! What could it be, you ask? You’ll have to pop over there to find out. I’ll make it easy for you. Here’s the link:

Interested in purchasing copies in time for Easter? They are available at Barnes and NobleAmazon,  Christian Book or your favorite local bookstore.

Extension Activity, faith, Picture Book Sundays, Picture Books, Uncategorized

PICTURE BOOK SUNDAYS: My Breakfast with Jesus (A Faith-Sparking Lesson)

Last summer I planned a series for our church’s Sunday morning children’s program called PICTURE BOOK SUNDAYS:  Sparking Faith Conversations using Picture Books and Scripture. Each week, using an engaging picture book as the spark, along with games and a craft, children ages 3 – 10 delved into Scripture as we investigated what it means to be a beloved child of God.  The kids enjoyed the lessons so much that I have decided to keep up with an occasional blog series focusing on picture books that can be used as the spark for conversations about faith with your children. Today’s lesson uses MY BREAKFAST WITH JESUS (Harvest House Publishers, 2020), written by Tina Cho and illustrated by Guy Wolek as the picture book hook. I hope it sparks thoughtful conversations with your kids.

Note: Since at the time I write this, most churches are still gathering virtually, rather than in person, this lesson is designed for a zoom-like format. I hope it provides and engaging opportunity for your kids to get excited about their faith, virtually.  Blessings, all!

PICTURE BOOK SUNDAYS: A Faith-Sparking Lesson



by Tina Cho

PURPOSE:  To recognize that just as Jesus and his disciples gathered around meals to fellowship and pray, children and families around the world still gather to start the day with breakfast and a prayer – with Jesus! After exploring Cho’s engaging text and Wolak’s colorful illustrations, we’ll delve into Scripture to see what Jesus had to say about prayer as well as take a peek at Jesus’ most famous prayer, using it as a model for our closing prayer.  


(When you send the invitation for your virtual lesson, tell the kids that they’ll be having breakfast together (virtually) in Sunday school and to come ready to share what they are eating.) 

Open the actual lesson in prayer, then explain that since today we’ll be reading a story about breakfasts, we thought it would be fun to see what we are each eating this morning. Then have a breakfast “show and tell.”


Introduce the story by showing the book cover. Read the title together. Ask them what they think it means to have breakfast with Jesus.  How is that possible?  Next, look at the cover illustration and wonderful end pages. What do they show?  Do they recognize any of the foods shown?  Based on their responses, ask them to predict what the story will be about.  Then read the story.


After the first spread, ask is this like your breakfast?  What’s different? Marvel at how amazing it would be to actually get to eat with Jesus.  Point out the box in the bottom that shows the story in the Bible that inspired this scene – and Tina Cho’s book!

Then, for this and each of the following spreads, marvel at the wonderful diversity of breakfasts and children eating those breakfasts. But what do they all have in common?  They are all eaten by people of love Jesus and want to share His love with others!

Ask the children why they think Tina Cho wrote the book.  Allow time for responses, concluding together that maybe it was to remind us that Jesus loves ALL his children – and wants us to keep spreading spreading His love to others each and every day – and that breakfast and prayer time with Jesus is a great way to start each day.


Wrap up the discussion by digging into scripture to find examples of what Jesus had to say about prayer.  Ponder together how each can inspire us to pray at breakfast —or anytime! Use these verses to get you started: 

Mark 11:24 Luke 6:27 – 28 Matthew 6:9 -13 (The Lord’s Prayer)


Before closing in prayer, explain that you will be putting together a Breakfast With Jesus Recipe Book for the group. Each child who wishes to participate should send you (and you can give these details in a follow up email) a picture of their favorite breakfast, along with a simple instructions for making it, and a short prayer that can be said before eating it. Once you have everyone’s pictures, recipes and prayer, create a simple document to share. It will be a lovely and tasty memento to remember the story and it’s wonderful message of the joy that is found in diversity and the sharing of Jesus’ love.

Sample Recipe and Prayer

Steel Cut Oats with Berries

  1. With a parent’s help for the stove, prepare oatmeal according to package instructions.
  2. Spoon cooked oatmeal into a bowl and top with butter, brown sugar and berries. Enjoy!

Dear Jesus,

Thank you for this beautiful morning and the gift of a hot breakfast. I pray that it gives me the energy to share your love with my neighbors today. I love you, Jesus! Thank you for loving me. Amen.

CLICK HERE TO LEARN MORE ABOUT TINA CHO and her wonderful books.

[Note: Thank you to Harvest House Publishers for this complimentary book that I was under no obligation to review. The views and opinions expressed on this blog about books and other things are purely my own.]

Bible, Picture Books

PICTURE BOOK SUNDAYS: God’s Protection Covers Me (A Faith-Sparking Lesson)

Over the summer I planned a series for our church’s Sunday morning children’s program called PICTURE BOOK SUNDAYS:  Sparking Faith Conversations using Picture Books and Scripture. Each week, using an engaging picture book as the spark along with games and a craft, children ages 3 – 10 delved into Scripture as we investigated what it means to be a beloved child of God.  The kids enjoyed the lessons so much, that I have decided to start an occasional blog series focusing on picture books that can be used as the spark for conversations about faith with your children. Today’s lesson uses GOD’S PROTECTION COVERS ME (Beaming Books, 2018), written by Amy Houts and illustrated by David Creighton-Pester, as the picture book hook. I hope it sparks thoughtful conversations with your kids.




by Amy Houts

PURPOSE:  To recognize that just as various structures/coverings protect natural creatures, God’s protection covers us. Using Houts’ lovely metaphors as the spark, we’ll delve into Scripture for promises that God indeed cares for us with an everlasting love and protects us in the palm of His hand.


Open in prayer, then explain that today, we’ll be reading a story about all the kinds of structures animals build or find for protection.  Can they name some?  What do we build to protect us?  Houses! Tell them it’s time to do a little building – with cards!  Using only a deck of playing cards, challenge them to build their own houses. Demonstrate two building methods:  triangular and four-card cell. This article from wiki-how will give you helpful construction tips, if needed, so you can demonstrate before the kids have their turn.

INTRODUCE THE STORY:  Introduce the story by showing the book cover.  Ask what protection means?  What are some ways they protect themselves?  (Wearing helmets, using seatbelt etc.) Have you ever thought about how God protects us?  Ask them to be thinking about that as you read them the story.  Then read the story.


  1. Marvel at all the amazing ways animals are protected in nature.
  2. Brainstorm all the ways their parents protect their precious children – them!
  3. Ask, “Do you think God protects us?”  Yes!  “How?” He provides all good things – including families that care and watch over us, bodies that are designed to fight infection, human intellect that has allowed man to make medical advances to fight disease, create safer cars etc. and MIRACLES!  Yes, God is not limited by what is possible.  He invites our prayers to protect and provide for us even in the midst of the IMPOSSIBLE!
  4. And where can we find reminders of God’s protection? In the Bible!


Wrap up the discussion by digging into scripture together to find beautiful reminders of God’s protective love and care.  Use these verses to get you started: 

Psalm 5:11-12   Psalm 32:7       Psalm 116: 5 – 7  

Matthew 6: 25 – 26  I Peter 5:7

STORY-BASED ACTIVITY TIME:  Select from one of the engaging activities provided by the publisher in the GOD’S PROTECTION COVERS ME Activity Guide.

WRAP UP:  As children are finishing the activity – remember together all the animals and protective things mentioned in the story.  Ask what those can remind us of?  God’s protection covers us!  That is wonderful news indeed.